MinistryMinistry is a shared journey. I collaborate with the congregation I serve to build community, foster individual and collective spiritual growth, and put our values into action, season after season. For me these threads are all interwoven in liberal religious community. That makes a UU church, at its best, a force for good well beyond its numbers. I understand my role as a minister to be one who helps to nurture and harness that potential.
I enjoy many facets of parish ministry. I feel called to serve both those who are already UUs, as well as many more of those who might "be UUs but not know it" yet, who come from so many varied life experiences. So I am drawn to serve a congregation that has an expansive vision - one interested in stretching spiritually as well as in terms of richness of people, and possibly, numbers of people. Together in intergenerational and multicultural community we celebrate, learn, and cope; we find inspiration, renewal, and resources for growth; we build the social and spiritual capital necessary for change, and marshal them in the service of Love. I relish the opportunity to journey with those I serve on this sacred path. You can learn more on this site about my ministry in the areas of Worship, Religious Education, Pastoral Care, Rites & Rituals, and Creative Arts. |